Contact Us
Temporary Address: Mitcham Community Centre, 242 Belair Road, Lower Mitcham (corner Belair & Grange Roads). Car park entry off Grange Road.
0435 735 395
Monday – 9:30am to 12:45pm
Tues, Wed & Thurs – 9.30am to 11.45am
Closed during school holidays
Closed on public holidays
Affiliated with Gymnastics SA
GSA accredited leaders
Enrolment Agreement
Supervise any medical conditions my child may have
Please advise if your child(ren) has a pre-existing medical condition that may affect them at kindergym and any other information pertaining to the child(ren) safe participation (eg. asthma, epilepsy)
Provide supervision at kindergym
Stay within arms reach of my child(ren) while at kindergym.