Term Fees

Please ensure your child is booked into a session before you arrive.

Enrolment Agreement

Supervise any medical conditions my child may have

Please advise if your child(ren) has a pre-existing medical condition that may affect them at kindergym and any other information pertaining to the child(ren) safe participation (eg. asthma, epilepsy)

Provide supervision at kindergym

Stay within arms reach of my child(ren) while at kindergym.

Abide by the codes of behaviour at kindergym

Booking Enquiry

Please complete your details

Fees payable by cash or bank transfer

First Visit

Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs

Come & try

Term 1 – Full Term

One session  per week on your designated day & time.

$125.00 one child (Kindergym or Pregym 60 minute session)

$220.00 two children (Kindergym or Pregym 60 minute session)

$80.00 one child (Baby/Toddler 45 minute session)

$142.00 two children (Baby/Toddler 45 minute session)

Term 1  – Half Term 5 weeks

One session per week over any five weeks for the term on your designated day & time.

$73.00 one child (Kindergym or Pregym 60 minute session)

$131.00 two children (Kindergym or Pregym 60 minute session)

$58.00 one child ( Baby/Toddler 45 minute session)

$96.00 two children (Baby/Toddler 45 minute session)

Gymnastics SA Member Affiliation Fee – Term 1

A fee of $27.75 per child (payable once a calendar year) must be added to the full or half term fee when enrolling at our Kindergym for the first time in 2024.

Come Visit Us

We would love to show you our wonderful kindergym.

Colonel Light Kindergym equipment