Session Days/Times

Our Programs Offer


Movement based activities – balance, sliding, climbing, jumping – which will assist your child in development of coordination, confidence, creativity and self-esteem.

Safe environment

A safe environment providing a wide range of stimulating and challenging equipment.

Learn together

A chance for you and your child to play and learn together.


An opportunity to participate in individual, partner and group activities with and withoutsmall hand equipment – balls, bean bags, hoops, scarves and streamers.


Music, games, songs and dances suited to your child’s development needs.

Concentrates on developing muscle groups & encouraging caregivers to join in & have fun with their child.


All sessions consist of:

  • Warm up
  • Free play exploration
  • Warm down

Develops gross and fine motor skills in a socially interactive environment that enhances parents/caregiver child relationship.

All sessions consist of:

  • Warm up
  • Free play exploration
  • Warm down

Slightly more structured in activities but still based on the philosophy of ‘structuring the environment and not the child’.

All sessions consist of:

  • Warm up
  • Free play exploration
  • Warm down


All sessions consist of:

  • Warm up
  • Free play exploration
  • Warm down

Codes of Behaviour

The following apply to the children and  parents/carers of children attending the Colonel Light Kindergym Inc.


Play by the rules
  • Bare feet are the only feet for kindergym
  • No running
  • One child on a trampoline at a time
  • Share the equipment and take turns
  • Children to remain within arms reach of caregivers
Respect other children and the leader
Respect the equipment
No eating in the hall or warm up room
Treat all other members as you like to be treated
Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all particpants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.


Remember that children participate for their enjoyment
Encourage children to participate, do not force them
Encourage children to play in harmony

Alongside each other and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.

Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake
Treat all other members as you like to be treated
Remember that children learn best by example

Carers are encouraged to participate in singing and actions during group time.

Ensure that children remain within arms reach at all times
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse
Ensure that membership fees are paid by week 3 of the term
Children or Caregivers should not attend if unwell

To minimise the chance of illnesses being spread to other members of the kindergym community, children and caregivers should not attend their sessions if they are unwell or have a temperature. Make-up lessons can be arranged for any missed lessons.


Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all particpants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.


What Our Families are Saying

Great for the toddler. Well organised. A good assortment of equipment. Lots for the kids to do and includes singing. Good for toddlers learning and coordination skills

Lots of equipment for children to use. Staff excellent.

Enables good child interaction, sharing of equipment, singing and dancing as a warm up, and the ability to climb, slide, roll, jump, swing and enjoy yourself.

Colonel Light Kindergym equipment